I found the following in the source code of JBossWS 3.1.2.SP7 (MessageFactoryImpl.java)
else if (isSoapContent(contentType) == false)
throw new SOAPException("Unsupported content type: " + contentType);
private boolean isSoapContent(ContentType type)
String baseType = type.getBaseType();
return MimeConstants.TYPE_SOAP11.equalsIgnoreCase(baseType) || MimeConstants.TYPE_SOAP12.equalsIgnoreCase(baseType);
And in MimeConstants.java
public static final String TYPE_TEXT_XML = "text/xml";
public static final String TYPE_SOAP11 = TYPE_TEXT_XML;
public static final String TYPE_SOAP12 = "application/soap+xml";
So technically what I want to do is impossible :(
Now I'm tryng to patch this classes until the partner update its server.