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Benchmarking classloaders

reply from Kabir Khan in JBoss Microcontainer Development - View the full discussion

The new simpler scenario has a 100 jars with 10 packages and 15 classes per package, one loader per jar.


The tests are called SiblingVFSXXXBenchmarkTestCase and they run as follows:


Use Loader1 to load all its own classes and those from Loader2

Use Loader2 to load all its own classes and those from Loader3



For the exact classloading setups I make Loader 1 import the module/packages exported by Loader2 etc.


I run the tests individually using e.g.

mvn install -Dtest=SiblingVFSImportPackageLoaderBenchmarkTestCase


Running each test individually, I get these average results over 7 runs




Deploy (ms)Load Classes (ms)
Big ball of mud14394485


The code lives in svn under https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/cl-benchmark/trunk


Each family of tests uses its own AbstractTestSetCreator implementation which generates jars under their own directory, e.g. ThreeDeepTestSetCreator and SiblingTestCreator. The tests currently

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