JBoss Community

Getting started with JBPM 5.3.0

created by Hussay dino in jBPM - View the full discussion

I am very new to JBoss JBPM.

I have installed demo bundle of jbpm which i found  in http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbpm/files/jBPM%205/jbpm-5.1.0.Final/ and successfully run the demo evaluation application.


I have some basic confusions and questions.


1. Can i use the jbpm-console in producation environment ? or its suitable for only development setup?

2. How to access the generated forms ? and where it is stored.? is it possible to edit the page? in sample evaluation application user task have some forms associated with it.

3. My application is in Grails (groovy and Grails). which runs in tomcat server.. Is it possible to integrate JBPM into Grails application to run in tomcat server?

4. Which is the preffered book to get started with JBPM 5.1+ 

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