JBoss Community

Re: Calling matchManagedConnections and getInvalidConnections

created by Petr Juza in IronJacamar - View the full discussion

I generated RA skeleton with code generator (like follows) and I would expect that everything was corretly generated:


marti-pc:codegenerator pjuza$ sh ./codegenerator.sh

Profile version (1.6/1.5/1.0) [1.6]: 1.5

Type (O/Outbound/I/Inbound/B/Bidirectional) [O]:

Package name: com.cleverlance.smartclient.ra.httpclient

Transaction support (N/NoTransaction/L/LocalTransaction/X/XATransaction) [N]:

Support reauthentication (Y/Yes/N/No) [N]:

Include a ResourceAdapter (Y/Yes/N/No) [Y]:

Resource adapter class name [AcmeResourceAdapter]: HttpClientResourceAdapterImpl

Resource adapter config properties [enter to quit]:


Managed connection factory class name [AcmeManagedConnectionFactory]: HttpClientResourceAdapterImpl

Managed connection factory config properties [enter to quit]:


Use ResourceAdapterAssociation (Y/Yes/N/No) [Y]:

Managed connection class name [AcmeManagedConnection]: HttpClientManagedConnectionImpl

Use CCI (Y/Yes/N/No) [N]:

Connection factory interface class name [AcmeConnectionFactory]: HttpClientRaConnectionFactory

Connection factory implementation class name [AcmeConnectionFactoryImpl]: HttpClientRaConnectionFactoryImpl

Connection interface class name [AcmeConnection]: ManagedClientConnection

Connection implementation class name [AcmeConnectionImpl]: ManagedClientConnectionImpl

Add methods to connection interface (Y/Yes/N/No) [N]:

Additional managed connection factory (Y/Yes/N/No) [N]:

Include an admin object (Y/Yes/N/No) [N]:

Generate a MBean class (Y/Yes/N/No) [Y]:

Build environment [A/Ant/I/Ant+Ivy/M/Maven] [A]: M

Code generated


I have been trying to change settings in ironjacamar.xml but without positive results. I doubt if matching connection is possible for non-datasource connections? And if it's true then it is specific for ironjacamar only or is it general JCA contract?

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