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How to set timeout for method invocation?

reply from Ron Sigal in JBoss Remoting - View the full discussion

Hi Jacek,


Note that I moved this thread to the Remoting users forum.


I'm not really sure what your question is.  However, it seems that, on the one hand, you have successfully set the timeout value for JNDI lookups, but you want to speed up the connection failures you're showing in the stacktraces.  Is that right?  If so, then you can set the connection timeout value in one of the server configuration files.  Which file to change depends on the version of the Application Server you are using.  For AS 4, go to $JBOSS_HOME/server/$CONFIG/deploy/ejb3.deployer/META-INF/jboss-service.xml and add, for example, "timeout=60000" to the "InvokerLocator" attribute:


  <attribute name="InvokerLocator">socket://${jboss.bind.address}:3873/?invokerDestructionDelay=5000&timeout=60000</attribute>


which will set the timeout for connections and invocations to one minute.


In AS 5, go to $JBOSS_HOME/server/$CONFIG/deploy/ejb3-connectors-jboss-beans.xml and do the same thing.



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