JBoss Community

Re: The reuse&&JBoss AOP

created by loupi loupi in JBoss AOP - View the full discussion

Thank you for your reply,  The example that I want to realise is the following(Realization of the observer design pattern with JBossAOP):

Flower (Subject ):

package Bee;

public class Flower {


      private boolean isOpen;


      public boolean isOpen(){returnthis.isOpen;}


      public Flower(){




      public void open(){




      public void close(){





The Bee class observe  the opening and closing of Flower (attribute(isOpen))


PS: for easier reuse of the Bee class, we put the Update method (observer role)in another class and we make an introduction


Bee (Observer ):

package Bee;

public class Bee {


private String name;


public Bee(String name){

      this.name = name;



public void dinner(){

      System.out.println("Bee "+ name

                   + "'s breakfast time!");



      public void rest(){

            System.out.println("Bee" + name

                    + "'s bed time!");           




The interface for all observers is the following:


package Bee ;

public interfaceFlowerObserver {   

      public void update();





And Mixin class is as follows:


package Bee;


public class BeeObserver implements FlowerObserver{


        Bee bee;


         public BeeObserver(Bee bee){this.bee=bee;}

         public void update(){

              if (isOpen) //the attribute value of Flower



              else  bee.rest();



Finally the Main class:

package Bee;


public class Main {

public static voidmain(String[] args) {


      Flower f = new Flower();    

      Beeb1 = new Bee("B1");

      Beeb2 = new Bee("B2");









theXML file:

<?xmlversion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>







            <construction>new Bee.BeeObserver(this)</construction>




   <aspect class="Bee.BeeObserver"/>

   <bind pointcut="set(private boolean Bee.Flower->isOpen)">

   <after aspect="Bee.BeeObserver" name="update"/>




This code contains several errors!! but I would have the following result:


B1 Bee's breakfast time!
B2 Bee's breakfast time!
B1 Bee's bed time!
B2 Bee's bed time!
B1 Bee's breakfast time!
B2 Bee's breakfast time!


Tahnk's in advance :)

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