
On demand resolution

reply from Thomas Diesler in JBoss Microcontainer Development - View the full discussion

This change causes regression in bundle lifecycle handling. I added test coverage for this in the framework's BundleLifecycleTestCase


The issue is that a bundle may automatically progress to state RESOLVED after it gets installed . The expected behaviour is that a bundle stays in state INSTALLED until the first class load triggers a state change to RESOLVED. It is important that bundles do not get resolved one-by-one as they get installed because this may lead to undesired wirings. i.e. the resolver might no be able to correctly wire a set of bundles together


Consider, bundle B imports a package from bundle X. B gets installed. Starting B fails because of the the unresolved constraint. Later X gets installed and is expected to be in state INSTALLED. Currently, X progesses unexpectedly to state RESOLVED.


      Bundle bundleB = installBundle(assembleArchive("lifecycle-bundleB", "/bundles/lifecycle/bundleB", ActivatorB.class, ServiceB.class));
      assertBundleState(Bundle.INSTALLED, bundleB.getState());
         fail("Unresolved constraint expected");
      catch (BundleException ex)
         // expected
      Bundle bundleX = installBundle(assembleArchive("lifecycle-bundleX", "/bundles/lifecycle/bundleX", X.class));
      System.out.println("FIXME [JBDEPLOY-245] Unexpected dependee state changes");
      //assertBundleState(Bundle.INSTALLED, bundleX.getState());


I still need to look into the details of why this would happen.

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