JBoss Community

Re: JNDI Lookup fails in JBoss AS 7 [java.naming.CommunicationException]

created by Kousik Rajendran in JNDI and Naming - View the full discussion

Hi Abiya,


All you need to do is a very simple arroach. As Wolf-Dieter Fink told


The datasource should only be available inside the server and your code looks like a standalone client.


You should try running only within JBoss AS 7 Environment. Which means, you cannot try connecting from a standalone Java code. You should try putting the code inside your web application and test.


What you can do is, put this block inside a test servlet and deploy and test it. This should work. Note: there is no need for you to set any property.


DataSource ds = null;

Context ctx = null;

try {

        String strDSName = "java:jboss/datasources/Test";

        ctx = new InitialContext();

        ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) ctx.lookup(strDSName);

} catch (Exception e) {



Hope this works for you.


You can check in deatail on how it works in here http://kousikraj.wordpress.com/2011/11/25/datasource-configuration-setup-for-jboss-as-7-with-example-of-postgresql/

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