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Problems with foreach, join and task with timer in JBPM 4.4

created by Iván Terron in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi everybody,


First, environment:


    - JBPM 4.4

    - Tomcat 6.0.35

     - MySQL 5.5


I start the process with de jbmp-console.




I have two process to get the same (complete task with timer):


First process:


<process name="InlineMail" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.4/jpdl">

  <variable init-expr="NUEVO" name="estadoProceso" type="string"/>

  <start g="35,52,80,40">

      <transition g="-46,-20" name="to task1" to="foreach1"/>


   <end g="581,99,48,48" name="end1"/>

   <task assignee="#{usuario}" form="es/vass/form/formTareaSupervisor.ftl" g="298,150,92,52" name="task1">

               <on event="timeout">

                <timer duedate="60 seconds"/>

                <event-listener class="es.vass.util.TimerEvent" />


      <transition name="to join1" to="join1" g="-45,-20"/>


   <foreach g="244,227,48,48" in="ela1,ela2" name="foreach1" var="usuario">

      <transition g="-46,-20" name="to task1" to="task1"/>


   <join g="415,188,48,48" multiplicity="2" name="join1">

      <transition name="to end1" to="end1" g="-45,-20"/>




In the timeEvent class, complete de Task.


Second process:


<process name="InlineMail" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.4/jpdl">

  <variable init-expr="NUEVO" name="estadoProceso" type="string"/>

  <start g="35,52,80,40">

      <transition g="-46,-20" name="to task1" to="foreach1"/>


   <end g="581,99,48,48" name="end1"/>

   <task assignee="#{usuario}" form="es/vass/form/formTareaSupervisor.ftl" g="298,150,92,52" name="task1">

      <transition name="to join1" to="join1" g="-45,-20">

          <timer duedate="60 seconds"/>



   <foreach g="244,227,48,48" in="ela1,ela2" name="foreach1" var="usuario">

      <transition g="-46,-20" name="to task1" to="task1"/>


   <join g="415,188,48,48" multiplicity="2" name="join1">

      <transition name="to end1" to="end1" g="-45,-20"/>




The problem is that neither process ends, but the tasks completes correctly.What's the problem???




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