JBoss Community

Re: jbpm 5.4 and simulation

created by amadets in jBPM - View the full discussion

In addition, I found something like this:

Kris (https://community.jboss.org/thread/213848) describes the simulation section where it says:

"... Maciej did a blog recently on the ideas and concepts behind it ..."

This blog (http://mswiderski.blogspot.be/2012/08/simulation-in-jbpm-draft.html) is written:

"...It see a running example of a dry simulation take a look at the test case That is part of the jbpm-simulation...".

But it is a project (https://github.com/mswiderski/jbpm-simulation/) based on jbpm6.


In view of this it is possible to run simulations on version 5.4?



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