JBoss Community

Re: JBoss Remoting 3 in JBoss AS 6.0.0.GA?

created by Ron Sigal in JBoss Remoting - View the full discussion

Hi Oliver,


AS 6 will ship  with Remoting version 2.5.3, I believe.  AS 7 will ship with some version of Remoting 3.


Remoting 3 is a completely different code base from Remoting 2, with a completely different set of concepts.  I think the properties that will be most noticeable externally are:


1. Connections are symmetric.  That is, once a connection is established from host A to host B, it can be used to send from B to A as well.  The asymmetry of callbacks will be gone.


2. The default transport will support multiple "conversations".  So, in principle, it should be possible for a server to support all its services with a single port.  Administrators will be happy.



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