JBoss Community

Re: How to get the Task instance id ?

created by npereira in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hello Kris,


I have been experimenting on this but I haven't quite been successfull.

I attached some files with the BPMN and the java that I am using to debug the process.


The facth is that the Java code that is executed inside the bpmn, returns a WorkItem ID=2.


               System.out.println("Inside HT node 1");

                System.out.println("Process id is "+kcontext.getProcessInstance().getId());


                WorkItemNodeInstance wi = (WorkItemNodeInstance)kcontext.getNodeInstance();

                System.out.println("getWorkItemId is " + wi.getWorkItemId());

                System.out.println("WorkNodeID is " + wi.getId());


                System.out.println("WorkItem UniqueID is " + wi.getUniqueId());

                System.out.println("WorkItem ID " + wi.getId());


                String s2 = ""+kcontext.getNodeInstance().getId();

                System.out.println("Node Instance id is " +s2);


But once I get the Task, from de debug java class, the task WorkItem ID=1.


             client.getTask(TID, responseHandler);

            Task task = responseHandler.getTask();

            TaskData td = task.getTaskData();

            System.out.println("Task WorkItemID "+td.getWorkItemId());

            BlockingTaskOperationResponseHandler eresponseHandler = new BlockingTaskOperationResponseHandler();

            TaskOperationResponseHandler respHandler = null;

            client.start(TID, "krisv", respHandler);

            client.complete(TID, "krisv", null, eresponseHandler);


So there is no way to get a correlation between these two.

So how can I get this working?

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