Hi Alejandro:
Thanks a lot for you help. But upgrading to 4.4 is really not an option for us now.
We tried the mail node in 4.3, but only the following one is OK:
Case (1) :
<mail name="send mail" g="251,159,80,40" template="task-notification" >
<transition to="end1"/>
Other cases are all failed just in order to make the implemented MailProducer work:
Case (2): The exceptions are already posted in my previous post on Jul 23, 2010 4:58 PM. (We already make sure the template is defined in jbpm.default.cfg.xml, and also tried changing it to the task-notification template, but both throw the same exceptions.)
Based upon your last update, our questions are: is it possible to use an implemented MailProducer in a mail node in jbpm 4.3 and how ?
Thanks again