JBoss Community

Re: WebServices using JBoss 4.2

created by Aj B in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

The issue has been resolved.

**Configuration I used:**



1. Eclipse IDE 3.3.0

2. JBoss-4.2.2 GA



3.Libraries used in lib/endorsed :



- jboss-saaj.jar

- jboss-jaxws.jar

- jboss-jaxrpc.jar

- jaxb-api-2.1.9.jar

- xercesImpl.jar

- xalan.jar

- serializer.jar



Make sure the VM configuration is given for the client file from which the call to the wsdl exposed methods is done.

That is, including of '-Djava.endorsed.dirs=jboss-4.2.2.GA\lib\endorsed' at VM arguments.



I tried running the client file by having saaj.jar and jboss-saaj.jar.  It was giving rise to conflicts, and on removing saaj.jar, the problem was solved and the issue resolved.





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