JBoss Community

Re: JBPM and WebLogic - someone with success?

created by Thomas Nakken in jBPM - View the full discussion

We can now start up a new porcess with HumanTaks and Session persistence, but... SessionInfo never gets written to the database (HumanTask is persisted ok). The result is that when we try to load the session again it fails - this is excpected since we can not wrtite to the database.

(We are starting Jbpm5 for a EJB context)


The problem now (which we can se in the Hibernate log)

[05/01/12 03:33:12:012 CET] DEBUG ast.ErrorCounter: throwQueryException() : no errors

[05/01/12 03:33:12:012 CET] DEBUG impl.SessionFactoryImpl: Checking 0 named SQL queries

[05/01/12 03:33:12:012 CET] DEBUG persistence.SingleSessionCommandService: Instantiating  JtaTransactionManager

[05/01/12 03:33:12:012 CET] DEBUG jta.JtaTransactionManager: No JTA TransactionManager found at fallback JNDI location [java:comp/TransactionManager]

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to look up comp/TransactionManager in /app/ejb/svv-tt-service-3.0.0.jar#ProcessControllerFacadeBean.; remaining name 'comp/TransactionManager'

        at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(BasicNamingNode.java:1139)

        at weblogic.jndi.internal.ApplicationNamingNode.lookup(ApplicationNamingNode.java:144)

        at weblogic.jndi.internal.WLEventContextImpl.lookup(WLEventContextImpl.java:254)

        at weblogic.jndi.internal.WLContextImpl.lookup(WLContextImpl.java:411)

        at weblogic.jndi.factories.java.ReadOnlyContextWrapper.lookup(ReadOnlyContextWrapper.java:45)

        at weblogic.jndi.internal.AbstractURLContext.lookup(AbstractURLContext.java:130)

        at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:392)


I think this come for the setup of the Environment:

ttlog.logDebug("Creating EntityManagerFactory for persistant session");

    EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("org.jbpm.session");

    Environment env = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newEnvironment();

    env.set(EnvironmentName.ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY, emf);



      When running i Junit mode (java SE we can use Bitronix and the line under works fine

              env.set(EnvironmentName.TRANSACTION_MANAGER, TransactionManagerServices.getTransactionManager());


Do someone now how we can do the same in WLS? Or must we do someting else to tell Jbpm where to find the transaction manager?

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