JBoss Community

Re: saving state after workitem

created by Prasanth Manchambhatla in jBPM - View the full discussion

I have a workflow with


start -> script task1 -> workitem1 ->signal -> script task2 -> workitem2 -> end


If state is saved at signal, and at script task2 server crashes, then, upon restarting server, I have to load all processIds that server was running (probably from database) and also load the last signal to be able to correctly start these processes.


StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession(sid, kbase, config, env); [This wont start the process from where it left off]

ProcessInstance pi = (ProcessInstance) ksession.getProcessInstance(pid);

pi.signalEvent(signal, signalData); // I have to store these in some store to be able to restart correctly after reload

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