JBoss Community

Re: JBoss AS error with brms-standalone5.3

created by Sam Mano in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Maciej,

Thanks for your time,


1 - I just got the stanalone version and just run the jboss server with out modify anything, it is working fine (guvnor, console etc,).

2 - I want to use MySQL for persistence, so i just followed the instruction in the used guide for DB changes. (I created two db(jbpm5, task) and two datasource(taskDS, jbpmDS) each for jbpm and task,

3 - Tables created, but it is not putting any data in the organisationentyt table.

4 - Guvnor working fine

5 - I can log in as krisv/krisv, but it is not display any process(evaluation), suddenly throus exception saying IO error, because no data save in the task db table

all the problems comes from human task service configuration....

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