JBoss Community

JBOSS Hanging Problem

created by Mihir Sanghvi in Performance Tuning - View the full discussion



We have a JBOSS hanging problem at a cliant location, due to which we are having to restart the server every few hours. I have a quich problem description from my team member below. Can someone please help us in finding the solution. Can provide more details on request.


Jboss is hanging when someone clicks on certain links/some functinalities of the Application .

From the Jprofiler monitoring, it shows the PermGen memory area is getting filled up

and it is not able to load further classes in PermGen ,

though no Out of Memory error is thrown to server console.


Server Version - jboss-as-7.1.0.CR1b .

Java Version - Java 6 , 64bit .

OS - red hat Linux , 64bit .



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