JBoss Community

ssl error on webservice invocation on jboss

created by jmartin amaris in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

Hi, I'm using jboss 5.1.0 GA as an application server, I have two war applications deployed, both running perfectly. One application, app1.war, it's a web application, that, in some point invokes a webservice from the second one, app2.war. everything works fine until ssl is used.



Both applications are spring java based apps.



The correspondant keystore and truststore are properly installed, in order to a web browser can access the app1.war in its especified url.



The problem comes up, when the app2 webservice it's invoked from the app1, ssl error occurrs



Is it there solution for this situation? What's the necessary ssl configuration on the jboss server?



Thanks in advance

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