Subject: Getting ERROR while working with the "Tutorial : Using your own databse with jBPM"
Dear friend,
I followed the "Tutorial : Using your own databse with jBPM", I am using Oracle database. Inspite of repeating the steps a number of times, I was not able to successfully run the demo. When I run the "> ant start.demo.db", I get this error always "
" [java] 15 24/07 14:06:22,140[main] ERROR hibernate.connection.DriverManag
erConnectionProvider.configure - JDBC Driver class not found:
[java] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver "
I even configured for the latest JBoss AS 7. The environment I am using is : "jBPM 5.3 , JBoss-AS-7.0.2 ". Please let me know how to solve this issue.
I tried mailing "", but it is rejecting the mails.
Thanking You,