JBoss Community

Re: getSingleResult() issues in JBoss 6

created by Merv Newell in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

Here is the SQL for the method using the getSingleResult that didn't work - note when I added your lines to the persistence.xml file I no longer see the SQL exception in the log - so it would appear as though 1 or 2 of the propery names you had me enter fixes the problem - without going through trial and error do you think its line 1 or 3 - I doubt its line 2 - or do you think something else is going on


07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] select

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.Id as Id13_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.CVClientID as CVClientID13_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.JNDIName as JNDIName13_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.ClassName as ClassName13_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.Master as Master13_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.Name as Name13_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.Parent as Parent13_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.ScheduleID as ScheduleID13_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.siloOrder as siloOrder13_

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] from

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] Silo silo0_

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] where

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] silo0_.Name='TransportSilo'

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] and silo0_.CVClientID=1 limit ? 07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate:

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] select

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.scheduleID as scheduleID46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.CVClientID as CVClientID46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.lastChange as lastChange46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.run24Hours as run4_46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runFriday as runFriday46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runMonday as runMonday46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runSaturday as runSatur7_46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runStartTime as runStart8_46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runStopTime as runStopT9_46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runSunday as runSunday46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runThursday as runThur11_46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runTuesday as runTuesday46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.runWednesday as runWedn13_46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.scheduleName as schedul14_46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.scope as scope46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.sleepInterval as sleepIn16_46_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] client1_.CVClientID as CVClientID9_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] client1_.clientName as clientName9_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] client1_.clientShortName as clientSh3_9_0_

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] from

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] Schedule schedule0_

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] inner join

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] Client client1_

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] on schedule0_.CVClientID=client1_.CVClientID

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] where

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] schedule0_.scheduleID=? 07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate:

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] select

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.SiloID as SiloID13_1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.ID as ID1_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.ID as ID47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.DateValue as DateValue47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.EndDate as EndDate47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.IntValue as IntValue47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.JavaType as JavaType47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.Name as Name47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.NumValue as NumValue47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.SiloID as SiloID47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.StartDate as StartDate47_0_,

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.StringValue as StringV10_47_0_

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] from

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] SiloSettings params0_

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] where

07:38:09,695 INFO [STDOUT] params0_.SiloID=?

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