Hi folks,
Here's my problem, i have a WAR within an EAR. Within the EAR itself are all the jars used by the WAR, which has no jars. My WAR does log4j logging, and contains a log4j.xml in it's WEB-INF/classes. The problem is, several of the jars in the EAR have also package a log4j.xml within them and the classloader is preferring these inner log4j.xmls to the one in my WAR's WEB-INF/classes. I should mention that the WAR declares a manifest.mf file that lists the jars in the EAR explicitly.
I think I've confirmed this theory (of the EAR's resources being preffered over WEB-INF/classes), by the following: I moved all the libs out of the EAR into the WAR's WEB-INF/lib. My logging works in this case, as I would expect, since WARs honor resources in 'classes' over 'lib'.
I'd like to keep the jars in the EAR and not have to move them to the WAR. I have tried listing the log4j.xml in the WAR's manifest ahead of all other resources, but that does not work. I have also tried twiddling the jboss-classloading.xml to get around this, to no avail. Any ideas?
For a little more context, see http://goo.gl/kNqn