Thank you Tihomir!
You're right (and I read about the Pojo model jar somewhere) and now my package compiles and even shows up in the jbpm-console!
When I start it from the JBPM console, I get this error:
11:55:38,483 ERROR [org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService] (http-localhost- Could not commit session: org.jbpm.workflow.instance.WorkflowRuntimeException: [com.sample.script:1 - Script:2] -- unable to execute Action: [Error: null pointer: person.getName()]
[Near : {... HelloService.getInstance().sayHello(person.getName()); ....}]
[Line: 1, Column: 37]
(The ^ is under the p in sayHello(person.getName )
Which I suppose makes since because the person object was never created... So I'm thinking this example was never meant to be run in this fashion. Still, I don't see anything else in the examples which seems to run this particular bpmn.
Thank you again for your help, sad I didn't put that together on my own. :)