JBoss Community

Re: @WS with CLIENT-CERT throws Invalid HTTP server response [401] - Unauthorized on client side

created by Claudio Miranda in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

> from the service side, confirm that there is a certificate that can be used by the service and that the trust store contains the issuing certificate authority

> for the certificate used by the client


The server keystore jaas-ms-ejb-ear.ear/jaas-ms-ejb-ws-1.0.0.jar/server_jbossws.jks

has 2 entries

PrivateKeyEntry: server_jbossws

trustedCertEntry: client_jbossws


The server truststore has 2 public keys: server_jbossws and client_jbossws


You can see it in details from the original post.


> from the client side, confifrm  that there is a certificate that can be used by the client and that the trust store contains the issuing certificate authority for

> the certificate used by the service


The client keystore src/META-INF/client_jbossws.jks

has 2 entries

PrivateKeyEntry: client_jbossws

trustedCertEntry: server_jbossws


The client truststore has 2 public keys: server_jbossws and client_jbossws


You can see it in details from the original post.



> from login-config.xml of jboss, what does UserCertPolicy look like?


The security-domain setting is in the file jaas-ms-ejb-ear.ear/lib/jaas-ms-1.1.4.jar/META-INF/ms-auth-jboss-beans.xml


Its contents are


<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">


    <application-policy name="UserCertPolicy" xmlns="urn:jboss:security-beans:1.0">


            <login-module code="br.gov.saude.jaas.spi.UserCertLoginModule" flag="required"></login-module>





> And what does this class look like? what does it do? br.com.myapp.jaas.spi.SubjectMapper



Accordingly to [1] I want to extract the username from certificate to authenticate.

public class SubjectMapper extends SubjectCNMapping {


    public Principal toPrinicipal(X509Certificate[] arg0) {

        Principal prinicipal = super.toPrinicipal(arg0);

        return prinicipal;




Thank you for the help.


1. https://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBossWS-WS-SecurityOptions#X509_certificate_token

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