JBoss Community

Re: MDB on WebSphere application sever is not picking up message

created by h Ruan in JBoss Messaging - View the full discussion

My MDB setup is almost the same as with JBM (that is the issue?). And on my local webspher server,  I am not using Activation Specification. I am still using Message Listener ports for MDB binding. Here are the config details:


JMS Provider Config:

Name: JBoss Messaging

ClassPath: {libPath}\jboss-client.jar

External Intitial Context Factory: org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory

External Provider URL: remote://localhost:4447


ConnectionFactory Config:

Provier: JBoss Messaging

Name: XAConnectionFactory

JNDI Name: jms/XAConnectionFactory

External JNDI Name: XAConnectionFactory


Queue Config:

Provier: JBoss Messaging

Name: FileConnectQueue

JNDI Name: jms/FileConnectQueue

External JNDI Name: queue/FileConnectQueue

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