Hm, maybe I forgot to mentionet, that I'm retriving content of the task through :
client.getTask(taskSummary.getId(), taskResponseHandler);
org.jbpm.task.Task jBMPTask = taskResponseHandler.getTask();
TaskData taskData = jBMPTask.getTaskData();
client.getContent(taskData.getDocumentContentId(), contentResponseHandler);
Content content = contentResponseHandler.getContent();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getContent());
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
Object vars = ois.readObject();
vars - is always String. If I left Content field blank - I'm getting just empty string.
If I manually edit bpmn file all works fine, and I'm getting objects, but it's not an option, to edit files manually every time )-: