Thanks a lot
I was facing the same (classloading) problem in JBoss 4.0.4; removing interface binaries from web-inf/lib worked. Since the war is a part of the ear the war has access to interface class definitions.
What if we the requirement was to deploy the war outside of the ear in the same jboss server?
1. The war would then need the interfaces, right?
2. On a similar note when the war and ear are deployed as 2 separate applications (same jboss server) could a servlet in the war still use 'local ejb interfaces' in the ear.
There are 2 archives now - each residing in its own container (war: web-container & ear: ejb-container) but the 2 containers still share one jvm. My point is the servlet in the war and the ejb component(s) in the ear are still collocated in the same jvm.
Thanks in advance