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Driver Definition/JDBC driver

reply from darren hartford in JBoss Tools - View the full discussion

This is sounding very exciting!  (I haven't done plugin work since...3.0, so this would be considered 'new' for the 3.5/3.6 since things have changed since that time!)


It sounds like the extension point "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.driverExtension" gets us hooked into DTP/Eclipse Data Management.


The 'magic match' value seems to be this value: "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.derby102.genericDriverTemplate"


I tried to go through the plugin.xml/plugin.properties in the enablement plugins for the other drivers I want to load (MS SQL, MySQL, postgres, etc), but can't seem to find an equivalent value -- where is a list of those values, or how could one derive them?

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