JBoss Community

Future strategy for Tagging JBoss Tools core

new comment by Max Rydahl Andersen View all comments on this document

Not following why branches in git are lighweight affects anything ? its what makes things tolerable right now; but would be even nicer if we didn't have to do it so often ;)


About components then I don't see any changes needed in the components that does not affect the eclipse related code - what are those ? The only change I can recall is the parent pom reference but that is just an old/legacy requirement. It does not need to be updated between builds.


And yes we can still compile from the tag/branch - to ensure things are building but if nothing breaks we don't need to update the actual published plugin.


That is what using Tycho's "Reproducible Version Qualifiers" is for, see wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Reproducible_Version_Qualifiers