JBoss Community

Re: @WS with CLIENT-CERT throws Invalid HTTP server response [401] - Unauthorized on client side

created by spyhunter99 in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

can you verify the following?


from the service side, confirm that there is a certificate that can be used by the service and that the trust store contains the issuing certificate authority for the certificate used by the client

from the client side, confifrm  that there is a certificate that can be used by the client and that the trust store contains the issuing certificate authority for the certificate used by the service



from login-config.xml of jboss, what does UserCertPolicy look like? the @SecurityDomain ties the security context back to the login-config.xml, useful for http authentication but I'm not sure what effect it would have for you, because you are trying to do message level authentication, not transport. I'd suggest commenting that out and trying again


And what does this class look like? what does it do?


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