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BPEL Editor - quick update

new comment by Feng Qian - View all comments on this blog post

Hi Bob,

I read the documents, and have some questions.

1 about the Partner link main page.

   I think we don't need the first page that lists all the partner links. We can only have the vertical/horizontal brower mode because the list on the left of vertical mode has list all the partner links. And on the right of vertical mode, Vincent use a link to swith notice view and expert view. I think if we use two tab on the right, one is notice view, one is expert view, it is better.

2 about sub-process

   I don't know bpel2.0 spe has sub-process element. Sub-process should be a bpmn notion,right? In bpel, we use scope to handle these cases.

3 about these images

   I feel these images for bpel elements are from bpmn spe, right? It use bpmn graphs to stands for bpel elements. It is ok. But I want to know where will we use them? If we use them in diagram page, it is good. But if use them in design view, will we changes too many codes for this purpose? And if use them in design view, our bpel editor will be like a bpmn editor not bpel editor.