JBoss Community

Announcement: Remoting release 2.2.3.SP3 is available

updated by Ron Sigal in JBoss Remoting - View the announcement

Remoting version 2.2.3.SP3 is available. It  features miscellaneous bug fixes.


To see the  release notes, go to jira.jboss.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa

Version 2.2.3.SP3 of jboss-remoting.jar (built with jdk 1.6)  may be found in the old repository at http://repository.jboss.com/jboss/remoting/2.2.3.SP3-brew/lib/ .


Version 2.2.3.SP3 of  jboss-remoting.jar (built  with jdk 1.6 and targeted at jdk 1.4) may be  found in the maven repository at repository.jboss.org/nexus/index.html#view-repositories;public-jboss under org/jboss/remoting/jboss-remoting.  

The distribution zip file may be found at http://www.jboss.org/jbossremoting/downloads/ .

Announcement expires on October 20, 2011