Jesper... thanks for your quick response.
OMG, I hadn't noticed your CodeGenerator! OMG OMG OMG that's really wonderful! (It's also painful to learn about it now after having spent so much time unsuccessfully Googleing for JCA templates and s-l-o-w-l-y building my own by reading the JCA specs slowly, page by page!)
For those of us poor sobs who find ourselves needing to write a JCA adapter, IronJacamar is going to be an amazing help—both in the Embedded testing and the code template generation. Thanks for that!
By the way, I did some code generation (with the Maven option) and found a few problems. I know that figuring out the right pom is painful, partially since the Maven RAR plugin doesn't want to build a JAR inside the RAR, instead insisting that you build out separate interdependent Maven modules. Anyway, I put in a JIRA ticket (JBJCA-847) with what I found out.