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New Installation of jBPM 5 using Existing Installation of JBoss 7 and Eclipse Indigo

created by Patty Eilers in jBPM - View the full discussion

I am trying to install jBPM 5 using my existing installations for JBoss7 and Eclipse Indigo.  I have modified the build.properties file to point at my existing Eclipse installation and removed all mention of JBoss5.


In the installation documentation for jBPM the following instructions are presented:


In the install dir, run installation script:

ant install.guvnor.into.jboss

ant install.designer.into.jboss

ant install.jBPM-gwt-console.into.jboss

ant install.jBPM-eclipse.into.eclipse

ant install.drools-eclipse.into.eclipse


The problem is that the last two tasks do not exist in the build.xml file. I have found a task called install.droolsjbpm-eclipse.into.eclipse and another called install.jBPM.runtime. I have run them both, as well as install.demo.eclipse, but still neither the Guvnor or Console are accessible.


It would be great if someone could update the jBPM5 installer documentation. It seems that most people would already have both JBoss and Eclipse installed independently before they choose to install jBPM5. I have tried every flavor of JBPM5 installation--full/comprehensive and pieces parts--but I remain unsuccessful in getting access to the Guvnor and Console.


Ready to give up entirely on jBPM and head over to take a look at Intalio....

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