Thanks very much for your quick reply!
Yes I just tried jBPM 5.1 and the problem was resolved!
However I've got a new issue about how to deploy a slightly complicated process. Please take a look at the following eclipse project
Basically in the process the first service task "Poll SQS Queue" is polling an Amazon SQS queue. The interface is a java class "org.jbpm.bpmn2.CreateDeleteSNS".
The JUnit test for the app is working inside the eclipse. But how should I proceed to deploy the whole app? I tried to add the process to guvnor and compiled the package in Guvnor, when I started it in jbpm-console it got similar exceptions as before. I also tried to export the whole app as a jar package and put it in \server\default\deploy\jbpm-gwt-console-server.war, it didn't work either.
Kris can you please tell me how I should deploy this kind of process? Is there an example app that I can follow?
Thanks very much!