JBoss Community

Re: Human task client on a different user GUI

created by Pierpaolo Lombardi in jBPM - View the full discussion

Yes I was.

I use the TaskClient utilities. Here my code to start and to complete a task (the start method reads the input parameters and the complete one write the output parameters). I hope this can help you



public Object start(String user,Task task) throws Exception {


this.taskClient.start(task.getId(),user, null);


BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler handlerT = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler();

this.taskClient.getTask(id, handlerT);

org.jbpm.task.Task t = handlerT.getTask();

TaskData taskData = t.getTaskData();

// System.out.println("TaskData = "+taskData);

BlockingGetContentResponseHandler handlerC = new BlockingGetContentResponseHandler();

this.taskClient.getContent(taskData.getDocumentContentId(), handlerC);

Content content = handlerC.getContent();

// System.out.println("Content= "+content);

ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getContent());

ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);


//parameter può essere un parametro di tipo primitivo o un oggetto

//a seconda del task che esegue il cast

Object parameter =ois.readObject();

// System.out.println("parameter = "+parameter);


return parameter;   //input parameter of the task




* Complete the task execution


public void complete(String user,Task task,Map<String,String> parameters){

ContentData contentData = null;

if (parameters != null) {

ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ObjectOutputStream out;

try {

out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);



contentData = new ContentData();



} catch (IOException e) {





BlockingTaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler = new BlockingTaskOperationResponseHandler();

this.taskClient.complete(task.getId(), user, contentData, responseHandler);



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