JBoss Community

Re: cant hit jboss pages externally

created by george hoffman in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

That helped alot actually!


I am able to run the server through the command "run.bat -b" and I am able to get the server console from the external ip address. I can then deploy the war using the web console and hit the site also with the external IP address.


Sorry to add one additional question since that technically solved the problem. Where can I add that parameter so I can start a configuration in eclipse and have it correctly set?


I set this in the run.bat file and I can run from the command line without adding the parameters:

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.bind.address=


But the launch configuration from eclipse doesnt seem to use this batch file - Any idea on how to set that up?

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