JBoss Community

Re: build/modify jbpm-console and deploy it on server, how to do the compiling in eclipse?

created by Christian Witschel in jBPM - View the full discussion



First make sure the project in eclipse is a maven project and not just a simple java one.

Second of course your eclipse must contain the maven feature.


If that all is the case, then right click on your project and select run as -> maven build.

The first time you do this eclipse will ask you for a configuration.

Just enter "package" in the field goals and proceed.


Package tells maven to compile and create an appropriate distribution package in the target dir. In your case the jbpm-console*.war file.

This file then needs to be copied into your Jboss7 deployments folder (replacing the current one). Last create a file jbpm-console*.war.dodeploy to tell jboss the deploy the war file.


I hope you succed. If you succeed, please mark the question as answered. If not just keep asking and describe where u got stuck.


Ps: when the maven build runs it probably will tey to download a lot of dependencies. Which are jar files, etc. that the project relies on. So make sure eclipse is able to access the internet. This might be tricky behind a sofisticated corporate firewall.


Cheers christian

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