JBoss Community

Re: Random NameNotFoundException in jboss 6.1-SNAPSHOT

created by legae in EJB3 - View the full discussion



thanks for help.

I have one more question about the queues dependencies.

I understand that queue need to be available when bean uses it, but why (in my case) method findAll() threw exception 'javax.naming.NameNotFoundException com.test.beans.ZBean not bound' when there was not a queue used in it?


I spend a lot of time to find out that this is queue problem, especially that findAll() didn't use it. I'm not sure but I think that in jboss 4.2.3 when bean was not ready to use was null so there was easy checking  (bean == null) {  lookup for it }. Now when I wanted to check bean I could see it's proxy 'Proxy to jboss.j2ee:ear=SimpleTests.ear,jar=SimpleTests.jar,name=ZBean,service=EJB3 implementing [interface com.test.beans.ZBeanLocal]'.


I was trying different things with bean implementation and finally when I removed '@Resource Queue' I could use findAll() method. Maybe the excpetion could be more specific that there is some problem with bean resources?

Is this common behaviour that I can see bean proxy class (bean is not null) and bean is not ready to use? And what about @IgnoreDependency annotation - is it safe to use it?  Will @Resource or @EJB be loaded when needed or not?

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