JBoss Community

Re: jBPM designer present and future

created by Guillermo L in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Tihomir,

I really appreciate your response. I was not actually complaining. I didn't try to mean that. That's why I initially asked not to be missunderstood.


I understand that this is an open source project and so forth. My point is that I've found several issues while trying to work with the web designer and some others with the eclipse plugin. Actually different ones and tried to resolve them myself using any workaround or whatever. Also, currently there are two different eclipse plugins and I'm not sure which one is going to continue being developed. Maybe both. On the other side, we have the web designer which looks great but found many issues trying to get it to work and I haven't seen much progress or new releases. This is not a complain. It is just a fact or the problems I've faced so far and I'm trying to deal with. Count on me to report the issues when I have time to reproduce and create a real test case scenarios since I cannot report a bug for which I have not clear steps to reproduce. It will be a waste of time for you and me.


What I would actually hear, is the future plans. Where are those tools moving to? It has been a while from the last release of the SOA tools and it is my belief that a new version is going to come out with the next jboss tools release but I haven't been able to get clear plans about when and what we will get with this new release, so any information you may provide about future releases, possible dates and features will be very appreciated. Maybe a pointer to some community site I have not been able to find and read.


Again, this is not a complain :-) Just have to get some more info to decide whether we can get safely into jBPM world in my company or not and the future of these tools seem to be quite important for us.


Thanks for your time to respond!

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