JBoss Community

Initial Installation of jBPM 5.2.0 -- Deployment of jBPM Console or Guvnor Problematic

created by Patty Eilers in jBPM - View the full discussion

I have recently downloaded and installed jBPM 5.2.0. I am able to execute start.demo, import the sample, and run the sample process.

When I attempt to access the Console (via http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console) I receive the following error:

HTTP Status 404 - /jbpm-console

type Status report

message /jbpm-console

description The requested resource (/jbpm-console) is not available.

JBoss Web/7.0.1.Final


In attempting to access the Guvnor, I receive the same error below:

HTTP Status 404 - /drools-guvnor

type Status report

message /drools-guvnor

description The requested resource (/drools-guvnor) is not available.

JBoss Web/7.0.1.Final


I have repeatedly uninstalled, re-installed, re-imported, and attempted access to these services with the same results. I have seen other postings with similar problems but there doesn't appear to be a clear resolution. Has anyone else run into this and resolve it? If so, how did you resolve it?

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