JBoss Community

Re: Startup problem cause java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.drools.persistence.processinstance.WorkItemInfo

created by Pierpaolo Lombardi in jBPM - View the full discussion

I just found out there is a persistence.xml file in the folder jbpm-gwt-console-server.war\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF containing the following rows (as provided by the jBPM installation):




Of course the SessionInfo and WorkItemInfo are specified in a bad path.

I modified this file and now I have only two rows:





I started JBoss removing all of the Drools5.0.1 jars I added before and no error occurs like before but another error arose:


org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: ProcessInstanceInfo is not mapped [select processInstanceInfo.processInstanceId from Proc
essInstanceInfo processInstanceInfo where :type in elements(processInstanceInfo.eventTypes)]


I think the problem is the missing of a row related to the ProcessInstanceInfo but actually I cannot find it in the Drools jars.

What did you change in this file according to Drools5.2?




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