
jBPM 4.3 starting a sub-process after a state node will fail

reply from Maciej Swiderski in jBPM - View the full discussion



I did the execution like that to test whole flow, so it was just a unit test.


What you are describing (at least as far as I understood it) is the normal way jBPM works. If you deploy your process to data base and then execute it via bpm console you will do it in three stages:

1. start process - will go to wait state

2. signal from wait state - will go to subprocess

3. wait state after subprocess execution

4. signal from wait state again and go to end node


All of them will be triggered separately. I am not sure about your execution context - is it a test case or is it a standalone application or running in a container. Please elaborate a bit or even post you classes so I could test it a bit more.




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