Hello everyone,
I have been trying to get the information of JBPM process from the h2 database. I have created one demo jbpm process with human task activity. When i ran the Jbpm process, it got stuck at humantask activity. After that i completed the humantask activity from the eclipse. Now i have started the he database with following command--> java -cp h2.jar org.h2.tools.Server -web and accessed the following url --> I have entered following information:
Driver Class: org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test
username: sa
After i have entered these details and clicked on connect, i am able to see the database interface with tables. But the main problem is everytime i run JBPM process and check these tables, there is no data.
Can anyone help me in knowing, where does JBPM actually stores data?
Thanx in advance ;-)..