JBoss Community

Re: org.apache.xml excluded from precompilation?

created by Tom Cunningham in JBoss AOP - View the full discussion



Thanks for the reply - I took a look, and I'm pretty sure the format I'm using is correct for an ant build.xml - it doesn't work the other way around and I see the code in AopC.java (logAndAddFilesToCompile) where it is specifically looking for file names ending in .class rather than package name/class name.


Just in case anyone runs into something like this in the future where they want to advise a class that's in the list of packages that are specifically excluded, here's how I solved it :


                <aopc compilerclasspathref="build.classpath" verbose="true"&g!
                        <classpath path="${aopc.xbean.classes.dir}"/>
                        <src path="${aopc.xbean.classes.dir}"/>
                        <include name="org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/store/Xobj.class"/>
                        <sysproperty key="jboss.aop.include" value="org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.store.Xobj"/>

                        <aoppath path="${aop.resources.dir}/META-INF/jboss-aop.xml"/>
                        <aopclasspath path="${aop.classes.dir}"/>


Adding the <sysproperty/> line gets the jboss.aop.include passed into AopC.java's system property which are passed through java on to Compiler.java and then into AspectManager.java's list of specifically included classes.

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