JBoss Community

Re: getProcess in ProcessInstanceImpl throws a NullPointerException

created by Sandra Renaud in jBPM - View the full discussion

Anyone to help please?


I don't succed to debug this.


This is the code of knowledgeSession producer :


log.debug("produce the KnowledgeSession ...");


                    KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();


  List<Resource> resources = getProcessDefinitionList();

                    for (Resource resource : resources) {

                              kbuilder.add(resource, ResourceType.BPMN2);



                    if ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) {

                         log.error( kbuilder.getErrors().toString() );


                    KnowledgeBase kbase = kbuilder.newKnowledgeBase();


                    Environment env = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newEnvironment();

                    env.set( EnvironmentName.ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY, emf );


                    if(kbase != null){

                              System.out.println("knowledge base NOT null");

                              for(org.drools.definition.process.Process p :kbase.getProcesses()){

                                        System.out.println(" - process "+p.getName()+" ["+p.getId()+"]");






                    StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase, null, env);

                    System.out.println(" !!!! DEBUG SESSION PERSISTENCE : new session with id : "+ksession.getId()+" !!!!");


And the associated log :


knowledge base NOT null

- process newcpbeforem29commontrunk [com.st.ams.flows.newcpbeforem29commontrunk]

- process newcpbeforem29 [com.st.ams.flows.newcpbeforem29]

- process newfinishedgood [com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]

- process DataCorrections [com.st.ams.flows.datacorrections]

- process newproductline [com.st.ams.flows.newproductline]





        (lastModificationDate, rulesByteArray, startDate, OPTLOCK)


        (?, ?, ?, ?)

!!!! DEBUG SESSION PERSISTENCE : new session with id : 32 !!!!


After that I try to retrieve all tasks and display task information. This use the method below :


public Object getProcessVariable(Long processInstanceId, Long taskId, String key){

                    Object retObj = null;

                    WorkflowProcessInstance wpi = (WorkflowProcessInstance)kSession.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId);

                    if((wpi == null) || (wpi.getVariable(key) == null)){

                              System.out.println("workflow process instance is null :-(");


                              System.out.println("workflow process instance is NOT null :-)");

                              retObj = wpi.getVariable(key);


                              //node info

                              System.out.println("is knowledge runtime null? "+(kSession.getSessionClock() == null));


                              System.out.println("list of node instance : ");

                              for(NodeInstance iNode : wpi.getNodeInstances()){

                                        Node node = iNode.getNode();



                    return retObj;



and the associated log :


workflow process instance is NOT null :-)

is knowledge runtime null? false

list of node instance :


but then I have the same error as for my first post in the ProcessInstanceImpl class


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

          at org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.ProcessInstanceImpl.getProcess(ProcessInstanceImpl.java:68) [jbpm-flow-5.4.0.Final.jar:5.4.0.Final]

          at org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl.WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl.getWorkflowProcess(WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl.java:181) [jbpm-flow-5.4.0.Final.jar:5.4.0.Final]

          at org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl.WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl.getNodeContainer(WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl.java:69) [jbpm-flow-5.4.0.Final.jar:5.4.0.Final]

          at org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl.NodeInstanceImpl.getNode(NodeInstanceImpl.java:103) [jbpm-flow-5.4.0.Final.jar:5.4.0.Final]

          at com.st.ams.task.management.TaskManager.getProcessVariable(TaskManager.java:234) [classes:]


It may be the kruntime that is null but how it is null?

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