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REST interface for JBPM

reply from Jon Kranes in jBPM - View the full discussion

I just ran across this post and wish I had found it a few months ago, as I've already done much the same thing as you for my own project.  My REST API is not nearly as complete, as I've been building it out on an as-needed basis as we have added features to the application.  My intent was not to create a full REST version of JBPM but rather a REST API to a specific JBPM-based application. In practice however many of the REST API methods have turned out to be pretty much the same as yours -- i.e. straight passthroughs to underlying JBPM engine.


I am also using JAXB but in a somewhat different manner.  I am letting JAXB generate java classes from my schema and then using conversion code to translate between the JAXB generated classes and the JBPM classes.   I am using Spring Framework 3.0 web MVC features, which integrate both the JAXB marshalling and also Jackson JAXB-aware JSON marshalling, so the application will switch from XML to JSON responses just by changing the 'Accept' header of the request.


I will have a look at your implementation in more detail and see if there are any areas where we might share code or technical info.  Thanks for posting your code!

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