JBoss Community

Re: Custom Deployer - migrate from JBoss4.2

created by Ales Justin in JBoss Microcontainer - View the full discussion
The question was: how I must use Deployer in JBoss5 (6) for sort and filter subdeployments?

In case you missed this article, a bit more info on how MC' VDF works:

* http://java.dzone.com/articles/jboss-microcontainer-virtual-deployment-framework


To answer the question, you can do this:


(a) use jboss-structure.xml to define a deployment comparator per (sub)deployment

* http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBoss5custommetadatafiles

A down side of this is that you then have to be explicit about all things; metadata locations, classpath, ...


(b) you can add a deployer that dynamically/runtime sets relative order of subdeployments

* see DeploymentUnitExt::changeRelativeOrder


(c) set global comparator in deployers.xml for MainDeployerImpl

* <property name="comparator"><inject bean="topContextComparator"/></property>

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