JBoss Community

Re: How does a @EJB dependency injection work on a Stateless Bean? Will that injected class behave like an instance variable in that stateless session bean?

created by Adheep M in EJB3 - View the full discussion

Viggo Navarsete wrote:


No, the "Testing Value" will not be there on the second request! But, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to actually test it, or? But I would assume that if you set a value on the simpleSingletonBean on the first request, then it would still be there on the second request!

I did try an example and below are the codes



package com.sample.rest.service;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import com.test.ejb.PrimaryStatelessBean;
import com.test.ejb.SampleSingletonBean;
public class PrimaryStatelessBean{
    PrimaryStatelessBean primaryStatelessBean;
    SampleSingletonBean sampleSingletonBean;
    public String getValue(){
        //To get initial value
        System.out.println("Before Setting Value::" + primaryStatelessBean.getMessage());
        //set value for the Bean
        primaryStatelessBean.setMessage("Hi Buddy Cool!!");
        //After setting value
        System.out.println("After Setting Value::" + primaryStatelessBean.getMessage());
        return "<MESSAGE>"+primaryStatelessBean.getMessage()+"</MESSAGE><REQUEST_COUNT>"+ sampleSingletonBean.getCount()  +"</REQUEST_COUNT>";

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