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How to deploy custom WorkItemHandler to JBPM server?

created by Leo Tseng in jBPM - View the full discussion




I have created a custom WorkItemHandler for calling an external Web Service (by chaper 13: domain-specific processes in JBPM User Guide). And it works on Eclipse environment.


Then I try to use Gurnor to upload the process and the handler to Drools environment, and I can't build binary package by using web console(http://localhost:8080/drools-gurnor/) in order to deploy the process to jBPM server.

Is there any way to deploy custom handler to JBPM server? or is there another easy way to call external Web Service(REST or SOAP) ?


By the way, I have found a tutorial about using processes on Gurnor (http://vimeo.com/24288229) , but the handler still in Eclipse environment, so that's not what I search.




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